Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 68: I Bring The Ruckus Straight From The Sideline

My doctor has sidelined the jumpropes for a couple of days so my heel can, well, heal. This was my fourth follow-up visit to him for some minor work on it. I will be seeing him again in about three weeks.

So in place of jumping, I will be walking for the time being. Well, more like hobbling as I can't put any weight on the heel of my right foot at the moment. Luckily it doesn't prevent me from doing the strength exercises.

But I miss my jumprope. OMG! Did those words just come out of my mouth?!? Right now my morning feels somehow wrong without me jumping to the beat of dance mixes. I don't feel as energized to face the day. The day starts off slow and I'm not sure I like it. That's how my days always began before the PCP. It now feels unnatural.

At least its only for a couple or so days, until I can step on my heel without it hurting like an SOB. Then my day can return back to normal. OMG! You just said that the PCP life was normal! Damn! You have changed!

Amazing, huh?


  1. Can you recommend some favorite beats for jumping? I've found most of my music isn't fast enough to get me sufficiently pumped.

  2. Snicker... Way to go E. You know Patrick is going to be smiling as soon as he reads this.

    Yes, a few days in to this and my life already seems to be crazily changed. Good luck healing the heel.

  3. Unfortunately I don't have too many dance club mix CDs (which I gotta rectify), but one that I love is called "Ultimate Dance Party 1997". Here's a list of the dance club CDs at

    The reason I love the dance club mixes is because there is absolutely positively no break between songs. The thumping drum beat keeps going and keeps me energized. I also use this kind of music for the strength exercises too.

  4. Awesome, thanks! I'm a sucker for music straight out of the 90s.

  5. Wishing you a quick recoop on that heel injury, E!

    For musical inspiration, check out -- plug in your favorite band/genres and make your own radio station. Sweet.

  6. Oh, poor you! Hope you get better soon! Bet you're missing those jumps!!

  7. Yeah dude, looks like you've done a lot of mental rewiring. That means you won't slip back into "fat E" mode ever again. Walk briskly.
