Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 62: Finally It Has Happened To Me

Tonight I went to a meeting for our local branch of the SCA. This is where most of my friends hang out. I haven't seen them much since August, probably two or three times while I've been doing the PCP. It was the moment I had been waiting for.

"Oh my god! You've lost weight!"

"How many pounds have you lost?"

"You've gotten thinner! I can really see it in your face!" (Exactly what John Pinette said would happen.)

There were high fives all around. They were amazed at how I looked. Of course, they really only saw my face 'cause the rest of me was bundled up like an eskimo. It's cold outside!

And thus I realized that this moment could very easily become a treacherous and slippery slope.

It was total validation for all the effort I have been putting in with the exercising and the eating habits, but I still have a while to go before I reach Day 90. Oh yeah, it could be so easy to start cheating or relaxing a bit on the exercises because I've made it, haven't I? People are noticing that I'm thinner!

This is one of insidious traps, just like the craving trap. The positive feedback feels great, but is it enough to entice me to stop now or am I stronger than that and willing to push on?

No question there. I can't let up. I'm not even near Peak Condition yet. If anything, I've got to work harder and be even more diligent. I can't slack off in the slightest. The goal is in sight. Just gotta keep on running towards it and let nothing divert me from the prize. Then we'll see what my friends say.


  1. Woo! Way to go, E! Glad others are seeing what we see.

  2. That Pinette guy is hilarious!Thanks for posting that.
    Checking through your photostream you have changed loads! I think you look fab!

  3. Keep going man, don't ease up, you're body is just getting into it now.
