Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 34: We Have To Deal With This Frustration To Feel Free

Today I am having a major attack of frustration. Strangely enough, the frustration isn't towards PCP—it's directed at life and a couple of curve balls that were thrown at me.

Unfortunately, this week I had a deadline and my solution was to stay up late a number of nights to finish it. I know it would be easy to say that the situation caused me to have the late nights—but that's not the way it works. There were things I could have done to prevent the last minute push but I chose to focus my attention on something else. Needless to say, the end result was that I have been feeling sluggish both physically and mentally over the past few days.

There's a meeting tonight that I normally would attend, but since it's usually not vital for me to be there, I was going to skip it. The plan for tonight was to do my jumps, have dinner, rest a bit, eat my snack and go to bed at a reasonable time so I could get a full eight hours of sleep.

The thing about plans is that they often change.

Although I didn't need to be at the meeting, my project did. I had already made arrangements for someone else to bring the stuff to it so I could stay home and exercise. At the last minute, that person cancelled.

This meant I had to go. In the few minutes I had to spare, I quickly whipped up my PCP dinner. (Thankfully I already have all the fixin's premade and sitting in my fridge. All I have to do is measure and assemble.) Then it was out the door and race to the meeting.

Two and a half hours later, I just got back home. There's barely enough time for me to eat my snack and climb into bed at a reasonable time so I can get some real sleep. Well, that and to quickly vent my frustration at not being able to jump rope.

That's just weird. I actually want to jump rope? Who'da thunk it?!


  1. Yeah, I'm in the same boat, between preparing for a conference, the new doggie, class and work I have been all over the map this week with the workouts. I had to resort to 8 min abs and just jumping twice this week. Get some sleep and we'll both hit it hard tomorrow, deal?

  2. Deal. I was already a bit behind on the strength exercises. Took care of that this morning. My body feels like rubber right at the moment, but I feel energized. All that's left is the 1400 jump ropes tonight. And I'm not letting anything stop me!

  3. That's what I like to hear. On my way to the basement to knock it out now. Good job man!
