Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 47: Listen To The Doctor Just Like You Ought To

I went to see my doctor today. It was just a follow-up visit and no biggie, plus they gave me a regular flu shot, so hopefully that will help prevent some of the illnesses out there. (The flu season earlier this year was pretty nasty as it wiped out half of the staff in our building all at once!)

Actually, I pretty confident that my health will be relatively good in the coming months. Eating whole foods and getting rid of most of the additives and preservatives should help to boost my immune system so it can fight off most of those nasty bugs out there.

Every time I go to the doctor's office, they take my blood pressure. I'm not sure how it is at other places, but my doctor always lets me know what the reading is. For years my blood pressure was a pretty regular 120/70; however back it March it had jumped up to a not so good level. (130/?—unfortunately, I can't remember what the other number was, but I know he was a little concerned. Of course, such factors as it was during the most stressful time of the year for my job and the fact that I had just driven through a snow storm to get there could have added some more factors into it.)

My last visit to the doctor before PCP, my blood pressure had dropped some but not to my usual 120/70. Better, but not ideal. Today, my blood pressure was 112/71, which is almost a normal average! Those are numbers I like to hear!

While on the PCP, I also had a PSA done, which is a blood test to help try and detect early stages of prostate cancer. A range of 0.01 - 4.00 is considered normal, and my result was a 1.28—well within the normal range!

Soon to come is a full physical. Yeah, I'm getting up there in age so I'm sure my doctor will be requesting them more and more. But I'm not too worried. I am feeling the best I have in years and I plan on it staying that way!


  1. Super man. That's what it's all about, a long life of health and activity. Amazing what a little exercise and real food can do for you.

  2. E! Nice post on the PCP friendly available food in the mkt and it is good to see all of us getting very +ve results, esp with you knee looking good and know your BP. Keep rocking man !!

  3. Hi E! Thanks for your welcome and words of encouragement! It's a great boost to hear such positive words from someone who's been there already! Thanks!
