Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 48: The Secret Of My Success Is I'm Living 25 Hours A Day

Planks. I absolutely hate them. Probably more than I hate the Implement of Torture first jump rope I had. Every day I see them on the workout sheet I cringe with fear and dread—and yet I still do them. Why? Because they are there.

The best part is always afterwards when I lay on the mat in a quivering mass and I think to myself, I nailed it! I did four sets of these SOBs at one minute each and I lived to tell the tale!

There are still some exercises I wish I could accomplish to their fullest extent, but no matter how hard I want to or how hard I try, I can't. It's the tough moments like those when I have to lift my spirits and say to myself, Hey, you did great! Sure you may not have done all the reps, but you did at least one more than you did last time! That's still a success!

Success doesn't always have to be big. Little steps can be just as important. A penny doesn't look like much on its own, but you add it to a jar full of pennies and it looks like a lot! Take it one day at a time.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." —Sir Winston Churchill


  1. I just wrote a post about this on the PCP page. Carry on E.

  2. I'm scared..everyone's blog I've read who's been doing the PCP for longer than me, hates the plank! I've got that too look forward to then!

  3. You can be my plankspiration. God knows I need it for them mothers.
