Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 39: Unction Of The Adipose

As Patrick mentioned in one of his emails, we're now at the point of trying to get rid of the "sticky fat" that is hanging around our mid-sections—the adipose tissue.

In the British television series, Doctor Who, a company called Adipose Industries promised to get rid of the fat in just three weeks. Of course, there is always a hidden agenda...

Yup. I guess a healthy diet and exercise is still the only way to get rid of the stuff.


  1. This group finds the most awesome videos.

  2. There is no other way for sure. When it took so much time to get out of shape it will only be unfair to have a short-cut :)

  3. Too bad my adipose fat doesn't look as cute as those little guys. It's just as evil though.
