Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 44: We Are A Family Like A Giant Tree Branching Out Towards The Sky

My parents came into town today so we could go to a "family reunion" picnic. The odd thing about the picnic is that it's not our immediate family, but a huge multi-generational multi-family event. The only thing that we have in common is my great-great-great-great grandfather.

This long distant relative is on my mother's side of the family. During his late teens, he left his family in Germany and traveled across the water to come to this country during the time of the Revolutionary War. He wanted to go to college in New York City. While he was a student there, he heard General Washington speak and decided to help the colonies fight for their independence from Britain. So he left college and became a soldier.

After the war, he was awarded a parcel of land in New York State and he decided settled there. (Many soldiers sold their awarded properties to get the cash.) He had nine children and lived a very long life.

About a couple of years ago, some of his descendants decided to try and gather as many people together who came from the same family and start piecing the genealogy together. I happened to come across the information in our local newspaper and immediately contacted my mother because she's interested in family history. It was a huge gathering and we met many distant relatives!

This year was a bit smaller, but still is interesting seeing the older generation getting together and telling their stories. It's amazing to see exactly how many branches of this family sprang from just one man!

That is one of my goals—to be around years from now in my best health to tell stories about my family to the younger generations. I have some long-lived relatives, and I want to be one of them. This is one of the reasons why wellness is important to me.

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