Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 42: So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

Forty-two. It is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Now if only we knew what the question was! (Sorry. Geek moment there.)

It's the end of another PCP week. I completed the 1500 jumps first thing this morning in pretty good form. Yeah, I'm still tripping over it, but at least I'm getting more consistent at the number of jumps without a stumble. Legs are still doing great, so I'll call it a win in my book.

I find that even though I'm on the same meal plan for the whole week, by Friday I always hit the point where I'm hungry at lunch. I have no problem all week, just on Fridays. That just seems weird to me. On Saturday we'll get new amounts (which are usually less) and my stomach will be just happy and content—that is until the following Friday.

Tomorrow starts the new PCP week. I wonder what surprises/horrors Patrick will unleash on us next. (Please don't say more Planks. Please don't say more Planks. Please don't say more Planks.)

Everyone have a great weekend and keep up to good work!


  1. E! Well, good to see the legs are holding up well and i would hope that it will get better from here. Also, I am sure you would have seen the new schedule and i think planks are here to stay, the killer planks. I hate them too but things we like haven't done much good to us, have they?
