Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 56: Because, Well Well, Just Because

A friend of mine wrote to me to let me know that today is International Hug A Vegetarian Day. Who knew there was even such a thing? So for my vegetarian PCP family out there, here's a big virtual hug to you all!

This is only my second year of being vegetarian. My family still freaks out about it, my co-workers think I'm nuts, and some of my friends view it as an opportunity to try out new vegetable recipes. For the most part everyone is cool with it, but there are moments when it gets awkward. I think the most problematic for me is when people ask, "Why did you go vegetarian?"

People always seem to anxiously await my answer. Sometimes it feels like that somehow my words will guide them to enlightenment. Other times I feel like I'm on the verge of a confrontation. Unfortunately my answer almost always disappoint.

I wish I could say it was because of animals rights, or the meat industry, or ecological reasons, but I can't because I didn't learn most of that until after I went veggie. I would love to honestly say it was because I wanted to be healthier and take care of my body, but I can't 'cause you've seen my day one photo. I couldn't even say that it was because of personal conviction or religious reasons. So what's my answer when I'm asked, "Why did you go vegetarian?"

"Just because." Two words. Sounds lame, doesn't it. I became a vegetarian just because. Literally just like that. I woke up the morning of December 31st two years ago and said to myself, "I should go vegetarian." When midnight struck on New Year's Eve, I began the year 2008 totally meatless.

There were probably tons of influencing factors in the decision, observations I had been quietly making in my subconscious until one day it all coalesced into one thought that pushed me in a certain direction. All I know was that this was the path my journey in this life was taking. No other reason.

And my adventure continues.

1 comment:

  1. Just because is why I do most everything. Usually those things that we haven't piled a bunch of meaningless rationalizations on top of are the most authentic choices anyway.
