Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 58: Now I'm A Seasick Sailor On A Ship Of Noise

Well, the mystery of yesterday's nausea was discovered. I figured it out today when I got nauseous again after eating my breakfast. It was the peppers. Yes, the ones I just praised the other day were the same ones that made me queasy. I must have hit the point where they were just going a little off, but not smelling like they were bad.

However, despite the nausea I managed to accomplish my exercises for the day. I must say that I like doing the strength exercises in the early afternoon. The muscles are warmed up, the energy level is still pretty good, and I dare say that I feel a bit stronger. Well, anything would probably feel stronger if it wasn't being done after putting in a full day at work where the energy level is dragging a bit.

The rest of today was pretty quiet, which is nice to have once in a while on a Sunday. Now all I got to do is make sure I go to bed on time.

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