Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 32: It's A Miracle, A True Blue Spectacle, A Miracle Come True

I can't believe it! I truly can not believe it! I managed to do 1,350 jumps—not perfectly, but smoother than I have ever done before. That's not the amazing part, though. This is: I was able to walk with very little knee pain. I mean, so little that I didn't have to put ice on them or anything! Hell, yeah! I was jumping around the backyard, screaming at the top of my lungs,

"I'm the King of the World!"

I am now working with J-Rope Mark 3 which I picked up last night. I think the combination of my legs getting a bit of jumping rest this past weekend, starting off with a rope fitted for me, and changing the way I jump based upon the suggestions that Patrick gave in his email made this miracle occur.

I was finally managing to hit at least 50 jumps in a row consistently. My legs weren't feeling as tired as they had previously. The jumps didn't seem to require as much effort as before. I swear I feel like I could've continued past 1,350. It was a beautiful thing!

However, I'm not ready to give up the "Bionic Knees". Not just yet. Maybe after a few more wonderful days like this I will, but not now. For the time being, I'll still wear the braces.

This was so cool!


  1. CONGRATS... so proud of you...and so glad you are pain and ice free.

  2. Great job! Go you!! I am excited that our knee problems have evaporated mostly. That means we are getting stronger...whatever muscles are around the knee!

  3. Ligaments actually Jessica. Stronger for sure.
