Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 43: Fifteenth Floor I'm Ready To Drag, I Get To The Top And I'm Too Tired To Rock

Dragging is the word for the day, closely followed by off-schedule. That's how it's going.

The drive-in was fun last night, but there is a terrible price to pay and it's not the admission fee. We stayed to watch two of the three movies offered and left before the third started. Unfortunately, that meant we didn't get home until one in the morning. Which also meant that I didn't get up until 9am, thus throwing my meal schedule off.

Shortly after breakfast, I had to pack my snacks and lunch and dash off to chorus rehearsal, which lasted all afternoon. This was followed by a run to the grocery store to pick up more food and then finally home. Exercises occurred in the evening and I just wasn't up to par. Really, really dragging.

Afterwards I had my dinner, my snack, and then it will be shortly off to bed as I am thoroughly exhausted. I'm so glad I don't go to the drive-in every Friday night!

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