Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 37: I Don't Care What You Say Anymore, This Is My Life

It seems it's been quite a while since the last time I hung out with friends. Oh yeah, it has—back during Week 1!

These past few weeks have just been absolutely busy. Every weekend has been booked solid and every weekday is filled with work or something having to do with PCP (like jumping rope, or preparing the next day's lunch, or updating this blog). So things like friends and socialization have fallen a bit on the wayside.

Yesterday I managed to see my friends and sit around a campfire doing nothing. It's the first time I've seen most of them in about five weeks. I walked into the camp, they all greeted me, and we sat and talked and laughed for the rest of the time I was there.

Five weeks. I have lost about thirteen pounds. My clothes are quite a bit baggier on me (I'm starting to fit pants that are two sizes smaller). And nobody said a damn thing about how I looked. Nothing. About the only comment I received that even had some connection to the PCP was the disapproving aside about my meals compared to what they were eating. (I had measured and packed everything so I could be there and still follow my PCP meal plan.) Now the food they were eating wasn't all bad, but my meal definitely looked meager to the copious amounts they were consuming.

I didn't let that ruin my day, but I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed. I still had a good time with them, I guess I was just hoping for someone to say, "Hey, you're looking good!" especially since I hadn't seen them in so long. Guess I'm the only one who's seeing the changes. That's okay—I'm the only one who counts.


  1. You're looking good man, don't worry about them. Soon enough it'll be the main topic of conversation.

  2. I can assure you clicking through your flickr you can see a difference. I think everyone has run into that person that wants to be negative about the PCP, likely because it makes them question their own lifestyle. Not complimenting you is probably just a more passive version of that same behavior. Saying you look good would mean asking how you got that way and that would mean they would have to change how they live, you know? Having someone right there proving that being fit isn't just a case of having lucky genes can be a hard thing for out of shape people to take.
