Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 12: But It's My Destiny To Be The King Of Pain

I think I need to buy some stock in IcyHot and companies the produce ibuprofen. Although I am starting to get into the swing of the jump rope (all 700 baby, and even one that was a perfect 100 in a row), my legs are a painful mess afterward. I stretch them before I jump, I stretch them between sets of 100, and I stretch them afterward. It doesn't seem to make a difference so far. When I'm finished I can barely crawl up the steps into the house and then crawl up the stairs to take a shower. (Actually, I take the stairs one step at a time, relying quite heavily on the banister to keep up upright.) My legs are just screaming at me. The shin splints and the twisted knee are the worst of the bunch. The calves complain, but that's just because I can feel the muscles actually getting stronger there.

Yes, there was a moment today where I absolutely could no longer stand the pain, as I waited for the ibuprofen and IcyHot to kick in. That was the moment I so wanted to cry. The other exercises are great. They don't cause me pain like the jump rope. (I still love my new jump rope, though. It works so well with me!) I've even split the exercises up so all of those curls and push-ups and sit-ups are completed in the morning before I go to work. I save the jump rope for when I get home, because afterward I find it very hard to walk. (Unfortunately, I can't not walk at work.)

Once the meds begin to work, most of the pain subsides and I can somewhat do things that give me the semblance of a normal life. It's not easy to go up and down stairs, or even stand for that matter, but I sure as dickens know that I'll be doing all of this over again tomorrow.

Why? Because I'm a masochist. Naw, not really. It's because there is a goal that I have in mind, a goal that I'm going to reach by the end of these 90 days. I am going to be healthier and stronger, and hopefully leaner.

Pain is a challenge. It is also a confirmation. My body hasn't exercised like this in who knows how many years. I am getting a far better workout, and a lot more sweat, than I ever had. Yes, my legs are rebelling, but they're not use to all this jumping around.

Is the agony I go through worth it? Darn tootin' it is! I know that tomorrow morning I will get up out of bed with my legs complaining all the way, and enthusiastically dive right in to those sit-ups, and push-ups, and curls. And I know that tomorrow evening, I will be outside jumping my little heart out.

I have seen many people with conditions that are worse than my aching knees, and yet they forge on with grace and a "can do" spirit which pushes them on to accomplish some amazing things. Should I allow myself to do less than them? No.

So bring on the IcyHot! Bring on the ibuprofen. I've got more jumps to do!

1 comment:

  1. Keep working through it, man, you did 100 jumpropes without stopping today and were maxing out at 50 last week. you'll get there
