Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 9: I Am Changing, Trying Every Way I Can

Vacation is almost over. Le sigh. I am actually home now, but I still have one more day off. Two weeks of medieval camping means that a person needs some time to re-acclimate to modern world.

Today began with a lot of improvisation. Since I was gone for two weeks, I really didn't have much in the house to eat that met PCP meal approval. I managed to get pretty close to my breakfast plan, so I think I did okay.

Then I quickly ran out to the store to pick up the other things that I needed: a bar for chin-ups, push-up bars, and that elastic cord thingy for curls and stuff. Once again, my time is all out of whack. I miss my morning snack break, so I had that for lunch, which meant lunch was pushed to the afternoon snack time, which moved that to dinner, which is moving that for a bit later this evening. It was the classic domino effect.

This afternoon I managed to do the Day 8 exercises. Yeah, I'm one day behind. Although I did manage to get the Implement of Torture jump rope to cooperate a bit. Two sets of fifty jumps without a single trip (not counting the obligatory wheeze-fest in between the sets). I also discovered that the flat, paved surface of the driveway made it a lot easier than the muddy, grassy uneven hillside I had been using during the week prior.

Then I alternated between the Implement of Torture jump rope and the other exercises. One hundred jumps, sixty-eight squats, one hundred jumps, eighteen incline pull-ups, one hundred jumps, forty-four push-ups, etc. Mixing it up a bit kept it from being dull and repetitious (although my legs still balked at the idea of having to do "only fifty more jumps" during the entire session).

At least I am home now. I can now easily update this blog, and cook my own meals, and read my emails, and so forth. The first week was a little bit of a challenge, but I managed it. And no, you will not find photos of me in a Renaissance outfit trying to jump a rope. That would just be silly.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, time to get on track.

    The wheezing is your cardiovascular system being asked to do something it hasn't done in a long time. It'll get with the program in a few weeks.

    Make a promise to yourself, to go back and read this post on Day 70.
