Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2: And The Rain Falls Down

When you're camping, anything that you do is totally at the will of nature. It's great when you have days full of sunshine, but when it rains things get a little more difficult—and difficult is a far cry from impossible. It's just a challenge to test your will and resolve.

The rain began a few days ago. For the most part it has been just steady, with periodic sprinkles; however, there have been many moments when a torrential downpour has had everyone scrambling to save their tents in an desperate attempt to keep things dry. Some succeed, others do not.

This was the challenge set before me by the 'Verse: attempt the PCP exercises in the most unique situations possible. Well, I'm a long-time camper who has a bit of MacGyver in him. Rain wasn't going to stop me!

My tent provided enough room to handle everything except the jump rope. That was were everything was going to get interesting! The weather did take pity on me and it stopped raining long enough to complete the jumps. It was probably the funniest thing for everyone else to see, though. Jump, squish, jump, squish, jump, squish, jump, SPLASH! Yeah, I invariably found the puddle.

So there I am, in the middle of a mud puddle. What's a person to do? That's an easy answer. Laugh!! After a minute or so of breathless laughter, I crawled out of the puddle, got dry shoes, and continued with the rest of the jumps. The puddle decided to leave me alone for the rest of the exercise.

And the 'Verse smiled.


  1. Awesome. A sense of humor is exactly what you'll need for these 90 days.

  2. Wow...camping and PCP. I am happy to do one or the other. If you can do the routine and program in those conditions, and laugh-you are in great shape. Hope you had fun..

  3. I think you might be onto a new sport: a jumprope / swim biathlon. If you jump hard enough and stick you tongue out you don't even have to worry about hydration!

  4. Sounds fun! I need to find me a puddle..
