Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 7: A Heart Attack, You're Givin' Me A Heart Attack!

Today started out with me having a minor heart attack when I realized that the number of jumps really increased from the previous day. Then I had a second minor heart attack trying to complete them.

The Implement of Torture jump rope does not play very well with my body. Right now I can barely do fifty jumps without tripping and then having to take a break so I can stop wheezing. But so far, doing fifty at a time helps. (Then, every time I hit a hundred mark I gave myself the proverbial pat on the back for just surviving!)

I did have one moment where I discovered "zen jumping". It was so hot and I was plain tired that I closed my eyes, swung the rope and jumped, surrendering myself to that moment. Amazingly enough, I managed to do fifty jumps non-stop. I couldn't believe it! Of course, I couldn't recreate it either. But hey, you gotta take the little victories whenever you can.

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