Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 25: Life Isn't All So Simple Though, Tough Choices To Make

We got the email from Patrick today. It's indulgence time. Quite truthfully, I'm not sure if I'm excited about it or scared.

My head is full of different questions. What should I choose out of the entire list of things that I love? How do I choose the special item? What if it tastes horrid because I choose the wrong item? What if I choose the right item and it starts tempting me? What would be the perfect day for this choice? Will I be able to savor it or will I just wolf it down? It didn't help that one of my co-workers put a candy bar on my desk this afternoon. I looked at that candy bar wondering if I should blow it on that little bit of chocolate or go for something tastier or fancier or some treat I don't get that often. There's just too many decisions!!

I've been so good with my meal plans that I really don't want to screw it up. It's odd, but I like my food. I've had very few moments where something has tempted me. I'm not sure if that means that I have a lot of will power or that I've become numb to the outside stimulus. I'm sure the fact that I'm a vegetarian and all my friends are extreme carnivores that usually eat quite a bit of meat has helped strengthened my resolve against temptation—plus it can't hurt that I really haven't socialized with them in almost two weeks. (When the gang gets together, sometimes it can become a junk food smorgasbord!)

So now I sit here and ponder. I don't know about anyone else, but for me this is going to be a tough decision.


  1. i had to really think about my first indulgence. i finally chose s'mores, mostly based on the fact they only taste amazing this time of year, in the summer over an outdoor fire. I could get fries or ice cream any ole time. They were just right ;)

    And you get three indulgences total, so keep that in mind. This isn't the only treat! I hope you blog about whatever you choose. enjoy!

  2. Don't overthink it just eat something you like that isn't PCP approved.
