Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 24: Knees Up, Knees Up, Never Let The Breeze Up, Knees Up Mother Brown

Wow. There seems to be a rash of knee strains and injuries going around. I must be a trend-setter! (Just kidding!)

Here is a great resource from the McKinley Health Center. It is a list of stretching exercises that you can do based upon the type and location of the knee pain you have.

As with any exercise regimen, you should make sure you warm-up and stretch before any activity as well as stretch and cool-down afterwards.


  1. Thanks for the site. I'll try some of the stretches for sure. Who else has knee issues?

  2. If I remember correctly Sean, Jimmy, and Seabass all mentioned knee problems or leg problems about a couple days or so back.

  3. This rash of knee injuries is so weird. Never seen so many at once. The key here is to keep working on the legs, believe it or not. Gotta strengthen all those surrounding support muscles or it'll never get better.
