So, what is your idea of camping?
For me it looks a little like this:

I'm part of a group called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). It's an international organization that recreates the Middle Ages. Around this time of year, many of us head towards Pennsylvania for the largest gathering of SCAdians for a two week and event, known as the Pennsic War. Usually there will be about 10,000 - 14,000 people in attendance.
In many ways it's a bit more rustic than you're use to -- in other ways it's more modern than you'd think. One of the great things about it is that we try to go back to a simpler time where the best way to travel is by foot and food doesn't come prepackaged. That doesn't mean everyone follows that regimen.
With so many people in attendance, you can see a wide array of body types. Unfortunately there are many who are a bit on the heavy side. It's a helpful reminder for me to push on with a healthier lifestyle. These people can't walk more than a few steps without stopping. They eat many unhealthy options (which there is plenty), drink enormous quantities of alcohol, can barely survive the weather, and have many MANY medical problems.
I don't want to be like that. I want to be able to enjoy life for quite some time.
Yes, this first week has been a little tough with the jump rope. The other exercises have been fine, it's just that damnable piece of rope that loves to threaten my feet.
My legs are sore and really wish I'd stop. I think even my body wants to rebel against me. There have been moments when the passing thought is to quit torturing myself. Then I look at the people around me. That is more than enough incentive to keep pushing onward.
Time for more jumps!
I used to do SCA in Atlanta when I was a kid. Do you do any of the fighting stuff. Ratan baby! I'd love to see someone's experience getting fit and kicking other peoples asses in armor.
ReplyDeleteJust think about how good you'll feel after you master the rope...Just think about all those Rocky movies..They are top of mind here as our 11 year old just discovered "Eye of the Tiger"
ReplyDeleteMay be corny-but for me, whatever it takes !!
I heard Pennsic is nuts, enough people that it is legally turns a field into a town for two weeks. What a scene. Have fun and keep that inspiration in frame as you jump and you'll get through them.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds really fun :) How do people shower?
ReplyDeletePatrick: No, I do not fight in armor. I like my body parts too much to subject them to that kind of pain. I know far too many people in their late 30's/early 40's whose joints no longer work and are hobbling around like old men.
ReplyDeleteJessica: The campground has showers, or people build their own.