Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 18: To See If I Still Feel I Focus On The Pain

And on the eighteenth day, I went to the doctor.

It originally started with the right leg. It had been bothering me since the first week of PCP. The knee was starting to get sore and it hurt to walk on my right foot. Not too much fun when you're camping and have to walk everywhere.

To compensate for the weakness on the right side, my left leg began bearing the weight of everything, especially in the realm of the jump rope. That worked out well for a while. Yeah, my right knee was killing me but at least I had the left leg for support.

Until Monday.

Eventually the left knee began wearing down. By the end of the jump ropes both knees were in agony. Ibuprofen and IcyHot were very much my friends that night. The next morning I called my doctor for an appointment.

For the knees, the doctor recommended using a brace on the left as I had already done for the right. He also showed me a couple of new stretches to use for warming up and cooling down. The final suggestion was putting ice on the knees after I finished jumping to help with any soreness and swelling.

The right foot required a bit more work. The end result was some very minor surgery on the heel. I hobbled out of the doctor's office and went shopping for medication for the foot and another knee brace. By the time I got home, the legs let me know that they had had it for the day. Following the doctor's instructions, I grabbed a good book and put my foot up. There was going to be no jump rope that evening. (Luckily I had done the strength part in the morning.)

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